
2006 Exhibition
  2015 exhibition 2016 Exhibition 2017 Exhibition 2019 EXHIBITION







1953 Born in Yokosuka, Japan
1979 Graduated from Tama Art University

Selected Solo Exhibitions

1981 Sairin Gallery, Kanagawa ['85, '88, '90, '91]
1991 Gallery Center Point, Tokyo
1992 GALERIE ANDO, Tokyo
1993 Suzie's Antique & Gallery, Kanagawa ['01, '03]
   Iwasaki Museum, Kanagawa
1994 Gallery Shin, Tokyo
1995 Gallery Ikeda-Bijutsu, Tokyo ['97, '98, '00, '02, '05, '08, '10]
1996 GALERIE ANDO, Tokyo
1998 GALERIE ANDO, Tokyo
1999 Art Gallery Tapies, Hyogo
   Heian Gallery, Kyoto
2000 Gallery APA, Aichi
2005 Yokosuka City Cultural Hall Gallery, Kanagawa
2006 M.H.S Tanaka Gallery, Aichi ['08, '11, '13, '14]
   ATELIER·K, Kanagawa ['10, '15]
2007 Gallery f.route, Kanagawa
2009 Art Gallery Muse, Gunma ['14]
2010 Gallery SATORU, Tokyo ['14,'16]
   Museum Haus Kasuya, Kanagawa
   Yokosuka Museum of Art, Kanagawa
2011 Gallery Shirakawa, Kyoto ['13, '16]
2013 GALERIE ANDO, Tokyo
   ARTLAND Gallery, Kagawa
2016 Monochrome gallery RAIN, Tokyo
   Art Gallery M84,Tokyo
2017 GALERIE ANDO, Tokyo

Selected Group Exhibitions

1986 "Art – Dialogue for the Peace– ", Okurayama Memorial Hall, Kanagawa
1990 "The 18th Japan International Art Exhibition", Tokyo
   Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Kyoto Municipal Museum ofArt, Kyoto (Awarded the Prize of Bridgestone Art Museum)
1992 "The Development of Contemporary Prints and Photographs in
   Japan", Constantza Museum, Romania
   "21th Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan", Tokyo
   Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Kyoto
   Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto, Shimonoseki City Art Museum,
   Yamaguchi (Awarded the Prizeof The National Museum of Art)
1993 "The 22th Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition", Tokyo
   Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Kyoto
   Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto, Shimonoseki City Museum of
   Art, Yamaguchi, Tsukuba Museum of Art Ibaraki, Ibaraki (Awarded
   the Prize of Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama)
1994 "The 30th Kanagawa Prefectural Art Exhibition", Kanagawa
   Prefectural Gallery, Kanagawa, The Hiratsuka Museum of Art,
   Kanagawa, etc (Awarded the Prize of Prefectural Museum of
   Modern Art, Kanagawa)
1995 "The 24th Contemporary Art of Japan Exhibition", Tokyo
   Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto (Awarded the Prize of Yokohama Museum of Art) 
   "Engraved Contemporary History: The Prints in the World; the 50
   years after the War", Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery, Kanagawa
2000 "Cracow International Prints Triennial", Poland
2003 "The 4th Engraving Biennial of Ile-de-France", France
   "Contemporary Bulgarian Prints and Japan", Yamanashi
   Prefectural Museum of Art, Yamanashi
2004 "The Adventures in Images – AND? or VS?– ", Yokohama
   Museum of Art, Kanagawa
2006 "With the Art: Terada Kotaro Collection Exhibition", Fuchu ArtMuseum, Tokyo
   "Black & White: Colors in Black", Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery,Tokyo
2010 "Feasts on the Paper", Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo
2013 "Memories of a city, Yokosuka in Photograhs and Contemporary
   Art", Yokosuka Museum of Art, Kanagawa
2016 "Prints and Sculpture", Fuchu Art Museum, Tokyo

Selected Public Collections

Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music, Bridgestone
Museum of Art, Fuchu Art Museum, Kanagawa Prefecture, Kanagawa
Prefectural Gallery, Museum of Modern Art, Kanagawa, Museum of
Modern Art, Wakayama, Tama Art University, The National Museum of
Art, Osaka, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Yamanaka-ko Art Museum,
Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery,
Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokosuka Museum of Art