1964 Born in Osaka
1990 Graduated from Sokei Academy of Fine Arts & Design , Plastic Arts (First price of Sokei Award)
1991 Completed post graduate studies in Plastic Arts of Sokei Academy of Fine Arts & Design
1996 Resident in Paris Cite International des Arts(~97)
2002 Recipient of Holbein Scholarship
One Person Exhibitions
1992 G・ART GALLERY,Tokyo
1994 G・ART GALLERY,Tokyo
1995 Gallery Gen, Tokyo
1997 Cite International des Arts,Salle Edouard Sandoz , Paris
1998 Galeria Rasen, Tokyo
Gallery Taga, Tokyo
Gallery Gen, Tokyo
1999 Galerie Ando, Tokyo
2000 Trattoria La Vaso, Tokyo
Galerie Ando, Tokyo
2001 GALLERY SOL (東京)
2003 Galerie Ando, Tokyo
2005 Galerie Ando, Tokyo
2006 Gallery Gen, Tokyo
Fuji Gallery, Osaka
2007 Galerie Ando, Tokyo
2009 Galerie Ando, Tokyo
2012 Galerie Ando, Tokyo
Group Exhibitions
1991 ”J-Exhibition”, the Museum of Modern Art Saitama(~96)
”Spinning Square”, Gallery 21+yo, Tokyo
1993 ”Trinity Exhibition”, Art Space 88, Tokyo
1996 ”Flowers for Mururoa Project”, Galeria RASEN, Tokyo
1997 ”Atelier Collectiv”, Paris Cite International des Arts, Paris
1998 ”Collection of Tatsutoshi KAWAMURA - The beautiful world spreaded from John Cage -” ,
Junshinn Gallery, Tokyo
”8 modern Artists”, Ginza Inoue Gallery, Tokyo
2000 ”Rasen Selection 2000”, Galeria RASEN, Tokyo (~'06)
2001 ”Appeared ・ Disappeared Image”, Tommy Gallery, Tokyo
”Exhibition-Trace”, Gallery Sol, Tokyo
2002 ”Thinking about the matter below the surface”, Makii Masaru Fine Arts, Tokyo
2003 ”Various Undulation”, 23 Gallery, Tokyo
2005 GAW, Shinjuku Golden gai, Tokyo
2007 Crossing, The Museum of Kyoto, Kyoto
2008 Adventurers on the Surface 2008, Gallery Ishida,Tokyo
2009 Adventurers on the Surface 2009, exhibit Live & Moris Gallery, Tokyo
2009 Art in Sympthy,Ningyocho Vision's, Tokyo